Community Ticket Club: Breaking Down Barriers in Bristol
The Initiative
In October 2022, we launched this initiative to support the wellbeing of older people in communities across Bristol. We have welcomed over 300 older people to powerful and inspirational weekly concerts by some of the brightest young classical musicians performing in the UK today.
“I wouldn’t have gone if it hadn’t been for the free community ticket… But now having attended, I will certainly consider venturing out again!”
Community Ticket Club Member
Music is good for you!
We’ve had an overwhelmingly positive response. Over 300 older people – who may not have visited St George’s for a long time or seldom venture into the city centre – have come to one or more concerts. We have issued over 550 free tickets to date.
It is well documented that experiencing live music is good for you – numerous research projects have evidenced the benefits to mental health and wellbeing. For our project, people have consistently said that taking part has helped relieve loneliness, create social connection, improve confidence, outlook and a general sense of wellbeing.
“Coming here really lifts my spirits. [The concerts] give me something to look forward to.”
Community Ticket Club Member

How it works…
The St George’s Community Ticket Club works to connect voluntary groups and charities with a world-class live music venue to provide experiences that members may not be able to access otherwise. They receive a warm welcome, a free cup of tea, and use of a dedicated area to rest and reconnect with friends and other Community Ticket Club members before and after the concert.
“The concert today was just fantastic and we are so pleased we had the opportunity to go… now we can see just how valuable they are.”
Community Ticket Club Member
Get involved!
We are working to secure funding to share this offer with other groups across Bristol. Do you run or know of a community group who this would benefit? Then get in touch!
In case you didn’t know… St George’s Bristol is a charity that strongly believes live music is for all. Find out more about how you can support us and donate today.