Our new Opening Hours are:

Box Office – Wednesday, Thursday & Friday, 11am-3pm and 90 minutes before events.

Café Bar – Monday – Friday, 10.30am-3.30pm and 2 hours before events.

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St George’s Bristol makes national headlines!

Like so many arts and music venues across the country, the team at St George’s is tackling all sorts of challenges as it works through this crisis. We are determined to look to brighter times ahead when we can welcome artists and audiences back to enjoy amazing musical experiences.

And so, this week, we’re delighted that The Telegraph has championed our story.

Starting today and continuing every Friday in The Telegraph, we’ll be sharing our progress, bringing you more about the main issues we face, how we’re supporting artists, and other insights into what’s happening at our much-loved venue whilst our doors remain closed.

We invite you to follow the weekly features as we work to reinvigorate and secure a new future for St George’s Bristol.

Catch up on the column, 'The Shows Must Go On'