Community Ticket Club
Do you run or work for a community group in or around Bristol?
Do those individuals face barriers that prevent them from experiencing live music?
In October 2022, we launched this initiative to support the wellbeing of older people in communities across Bristol. We have welcomed over 300 older people to powerful and inspirational weekly concerts by some of the brightest young classical musicians performing in the UK today.

The Community Ticket Club works by:
Connecting voluntary groups, charities and local community groups with St George’s as members of the CTC.
Once signed up, a lead contact from the group can book free tickets for their beneficiaries to attend an hour-long lunchtime concert.
They receive a warm welcome, a free cup of tea, and use of a dedicated area to rest and connect with friends/other CTC members before and after the concert (subject to availability).
We know that this project is having a positive impact on the lives of people who have taken part. We want to extend the number and range of groups benefitting, and we want to enrich their experience when they visit.
We are working to secure funding to share this offer with other groups across Bristol. Do you run or know of a community group who this would benefit? Then get in touch!