Thank You
Our supporters enable everything we do. They’re the best.
We would like to thank all of our supporters, and in particular those individuals who contribute through our regular giving programmes or by leaving a legacy to St George’s. They provide a commitment that is so vital to our sustainability and success.
We remain grateful to the following organisations for their generous commitment:
Arts Council England
University of Bristol
We are grateful to the following Trusts, charitable organisations and companies for their kind support:
The Anchor Society
Cavatina Music Trust
The D’Oyly Carte Charitable Trust
The Grateful Society
The Foyle Foundation
The Garrick Charitable Trust
Investec Wealth & Investment (UK)
The Marchus Trust
The Medlock Charitable Trust
Orchestras Live
Paragon Music Trust
Stewart Wines
The Thistle Trust
The Utley Foundation
We are supported by many other individuals and donors big and small, and we are most grateful to each and every one of them for their generosity.
Get Closer to the Music
If you live for live music, breathe Bach or Beethoven, or want to jive to more jazz, sign up for a St George’s Bristol membership now.